Woke and Snowflake?
Assertiveness is the ability to stand one’s ground without resorting to hostility or self-doubt. It is not about becoming aggressive, nor is it about adopting the fragile sensibilities of a modern snowflake . Instead, it is about clear, confident communication—something British children must learn if they are to navigate the world effectively. Unfortunately, contemporary culture often presents a false choice: be either passive and deferential or overly sensitive and woke , seeking offense where none was intended. Neither of these approaches fosters true confidence. To be assertive is to express one’s views with clarity, without either groveling for approval or demanding special treatment. The key to teaching this skill is helping children understand that disagreement is not aggression. They should be encouraged to say, “I don’t agree, and here’s why,” rather than staying silent for fear of offending or reacting emotionally to every challenge. The B...