Was I Groomed by a Pedo?


Was I Groomed by a Pedo?

After distressing and horrible family court proceedings, I was looking for options and people with similar experiences. I found a rather unpleasant website that argued mothers were often accused of "Munchausen syndrome by proxy." Much of the Sally Clark and similar cases were discussed, as well as family court and social work injustices, but there were a lot of nasty, snappy people posting. I couldn't understand why there was so much nastiness. It seemed quite cliquey, and I later discovered a forum admin was allegedly a Scientologist (scientologists were extremely fearsome at the time—I recall lots of paranoia)

Anyway, I remember noticing a reasonable poster. I don't remember loads about it, though—I was on a vile drug called Effexor, plus Valium and alcohol. I do remember that he was a campaigner against false allegations, had married "a lesbian," and adopted two small children with her. Allegedly, he was found one day gazing at children in a school playground from his car, and for that crime, he was charged as a sex offender. Subsequently, he lost custody of the children, and his wife left him for a woman. He was clearly suffering a lot of anxiety.

(I remember we were briefly engaged).

 I was adamant his case had been a huge injustice for him, though. 

I reacted very negatively one day when he held a photo of me out of my reach. It suddenly dawned on me that he was bullying a small person (I'm only 5ft; he was about 6'3"). Then I thought of words he'd said to me during sex (which turned my stomach): "You're my bad little baby." So I thought, GUILTY!!! Went apeshit, threw him out. He went and sat in his car, and I went out to the parking space and covered his car in baked beans and a bag of flour. I never saw him again.

More in my upcoming book.


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